Ordo Logica is home base for the Logica single address space project, an attempt to bring a disciplined environment to small computers, both virtual and physical. As the Wheel of Karma turns, our computers, which started out large and became small, have become even smaller still. A DigitalOcean droplet has 1G Gb of memory and 25 Gb of persistent storage, a vanishingly small part of the 64/52 bit address space available to it. Our cellphones and related computers (Raspberry Pi and IOT SOCs) have similar limitations yet are well ahead of even the largest computers of 50 years ago.

None of today’s machines share any significant amount of information with their neighbors and when they do so at all are bound by rigid and artificial permission and structural constraints.

It’s time for data to stop pretending that it’s composed of raw, seething bits and take on a functional structure that makes it processable. Our binary blobs need to step up and become first-class functions.

That’s what Logica aims to do, weaken the artificial distinction between function and data. The first step is to provide a functional programming environment.

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